Comparison Of Full-Spectrum, Broad-Spectrum And Other Types Of CBD

Comparison Of Full-Spectrum, Broad-Spectrum And Other Types Of CBD

Because of its popularity, there are many CBD products that are out for sale in the market today, making the options endless. Apart from the kind of products, there’s also a wide array of kinds or strains of CBD, which is a good thing since you have options to choose from, depending on your need. You can also factor in your tolerance or the potency that you wish to have.

On the downside, these options may only leave you even more confused on what to go for. While you can ask the sales representatives at the dispensary for advice, it’s better if you already have some prior knowledge about these different products before you even head out to shop. That way, you can make a better, more informed, personal choice.

Fortunately, you’ve come to the right place as this article will present necessary information about the different kinds of CBD.

What You Need To Know About Full-Spectrum CBD

Full-Spectrum CBD is one of the most popular types of CBD products. Since it’s the purest, unfiltered, and unprocessed, it offers the most holistic approach to CBD. So, with this type of CBD product, you can utilize more of the plant’s natural minerals. 

According to and other trusted dispensaries, full-spectrum CBD contains cannabinoids, essential oils, and terpenes. Because it contains all the other cannabinoids, you can expect a full-spectrum CBD product to contain tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC. This refers to that compound in the cannabis plant that’s responsible for that feeling of euphoria. However, this is processed to be limited only to less than 0.3%. Hence, full-spectrum CBD is still safe, and won’t get you high.

An Introduction To CBD Isolates

CBD Isolates represents the whole class of CBD products that contains only pure CBD, and nothing else. 

In brief, CBD isolates are characterized as:

  • A very pure form of CBD;
  • A form of CBD that doesn’t contain THC;
  • A form of CBD that doesn’t have terpenes and other plant compounds.

Among the, this is also the one that underwent the most processing so it can only contain CBD. However, a disadvantage of this type is that among its other counterparts, this may be considered as the least effective. This is because it lacks some of the other cannabinoids that the other types of CBD products may have. 

A Brief Background On Broad-Spectrum CBD

Broad Spectrum CBD Oil is one of the newest types of CBD products. This can be considered as the middle point between full-spectrum and CBD isolates. 

To come up with broad-spectrum CBD, the plant starts as a full-spectrum extract. This means that broad-spectrum CBD contains all of the cannabinoids and terpenes, except for THC. Thus, one can say that broad-spectrum is just full-spectrum but without the THC.

CBD is extracted through any of the following means:

  • Lipid extraction;
  • Steam distillation;
  • CO2 extraction.

With broad-spectrum CBD, you won’t feel the high that the cannabis, hemp, or marijuana plant would’ve otherwise given. However, you’ll get that ‘entourage effect.’ This refers to feeling all of the pleasant, therapeutic, relaxing benefits that CBD products are known for.

The only known disadvantage of broad-spectrum CBD products is that it’s still harder to find, compared with full-spectrum CBD and CBD isolates. This can be due, in part, to the fact that broad-spectrum CBD is still quite new in the market.

Similarities Between The Three Types

Despite the distinctions of these three types of CBD products as briefly discussed above, there are still underlying similarities between them, include the following:

  • It won’t get you high. All of the CBD products legally sold in dispensaries today won’t get you high. This is the primary distinction of CBD from the main plant, hemp or marijuana, as the latter will give you that feeling of euphoria. Even if there are CBD products and strains that contain THC, the limit isn’t strong enough to get you high.
  • It doesn’t need a prescription. In states and countries where the use of CBD products has now been legalized, you don’t need a prescription to purchase one. In fact, there are even many dispensaries where you can complete your purchases online.
  • It all possesses excellent benefits to the taker. All these three types of CBD products are equal when it comes to giving off the pleasant benefits that CBD can give to the taker.

Some of these common benefits are:

      • Supports physical and mental well-being;
      • Has excellent anti-inflammatory response;
      • Relieves joint pain.

How To Take CBD Oil Safely

Whatever kind of CBD product you decide to go for, the most important reminder for you to abide by is the need to ensure that you’re taking CBD in the safest way possible. This is a natural medication, but it doesn’t mean that you won’t experience any side effects.

While experiencing adverse effects is almost close to impossible, each body reacts differently to different compounds that it takes in. Hence, it’s important for you to stay within the safe limits of CBD all the time. Don’t self-medicate and always purchase your supply from a reputable dispensary.

Most importantly, the best advice you should keep in mind is always to keep the dosage low, especially if you’re still a beginner. Generally, the rule of thumb to follow is the heavier the weight, the higher the dose.

How much and how often you take CBD oil will depend on your tolerance and the need that you have for taking in CBD.


Each of these different kinds of CBD products all has its respective strengths and weaknesses. The key is for you to research the one that you’re certain will work the best for you. For others, it may even be a trial-and-error process. 

To guarantee top safety, no matter the type of CBD product you purchase, be sure that you always heed the advice of experts and purchase from nothing less than the most reputable dispensaries. CBD is an excellent natural alternative to your synthetic medication, so make it work to your advantage.